Big Feastival Cookery Schools Tickets and Dates

Sorry, there are no shows for Big Feastival Cookery Schools right now.

More Information about Big Feastival Cookery Schools

Classes are created with Adults, Teens and Littles in mind. Please choose the correct class type for your party.

Please note: all guests aged under 13 must be supervised throughout the classes by a parent/guardian aged 18+.

Please note, sharp knives and boiling water will be used in the preparation of the food in the M&S Food Cookery Schools. Whilst the parent/guardian for anyone aged 13+ does not need to take part in the classes, they must remain in the vicinity of the cook school at all times on the benches provided.

The class will be taught in workstations which can accommodate up to two people.

Please book a ticket for every person taking part in the class.

Please click here for all Cookery School and Little Cooks allergen information. 
Please click here for all Table Session allergen information.